Fides Control SA

Somos una joven e innovadora empresa líder en análisis, inspección y certificación de servicios agrícolas.

Welcome to Fides Control

Analysis, inspection and certification

solutions tailored to each client.

Quality, commitment and integrity

are the main values ​​guiding our work.

Professional, responsible and committed

working team that meets the customers’ needs.

We seek to adapt to the customers’

needs in a constantly evolving market.

We are a young and innovative company leader in analysis, inspection and certification of agricultural services. We facilitate international trade and guarantee that supply chains are safe, efficient and more agile.


In addition to a wide range of inspection, analysis and certification (TIC) services in all our branches, our laboratory in Brazil -accredited according to international standards- provides analytical solutions to our clients.

As part of our services within the logistics chain, we have a Check Point in Uruguay, which offers automatic sampling, weight supervision, quality determination and reports through a web access system, adaptable to our customers’ needs.

Click to discover all the services that Fides Control can offer


Supervision of weight, quality and condition in loading and unloading Operations

Inspection of condition of warehouses and/or tanks

Cargo holds tightness tests

Product condition audits

Draft survey

Issuance of commercial certificates in accordance with the findings and analyses reported by laboratories

Check Point

Sampling according to international methods defined by GAFTA/ FOSFA for dry products and liquids

Weight control of dry products and determination of volumes for liquids

Sealing of holds, tanks and containers

Full outturn guarantee (FOG)

Product delivery to shipping companies as export agents, including management of documents, authorizations and bills of lading


Control of production processes

Supervision of general container cargo Operations

Additional analytical services

Traceability certification on non-transgenic products, high-protein, high-gluten, among others

Assessment of quality, weight and condition upon entry/ exit of the product to and from storage plants, warehouses and industries

Crop monitoring

Stock monitoring

Inventory audit and control

Agricultural accident audit

About us

FC is a company established in 2018, by a group of experienced professionals, leaders in logistics, pest control, shipping services, as well as inspection, analysis and certification.

Our goal is to build a young, dynamic and agile global firm with the capacity to adapt to customer needs in a constantly evolving market.

Our independence, commitment and passion for work are just some of the reasons why our clients choose us.


Our vision is to be a global organization in the testing, inspection and certification sector, highly regarded as a dedicated and professional firm with a strong commitment to quality.


Provide high-quality and reliable services in all areas of work, with the help of a great group of people with a strong sense of accountability, focused on meeting all customers’ needs and gaining their loyalty.


- Organizational culture and motivation: strong focus on customers and ability to achieve professional goals.
- Honesty, integrity and respect for the client.
- High quality services to add value to our clients’ business.
- A safe and healthy working environment for our staff.
- Employees empowered to make personal contributions to the achievement of business goals
- Trust and personal accountability as key elements for success.

Our main pillar is the commitment to our work, relying on our expertise and passion for what we do, prioritising human capital.

Do you want to join our team?
Send us your CV


Click on the different logos to download certifications and accreditations.

For any query or complaint
you should contact:

Since 2018, we have been working with extensive experience in logistics, risk assessment, and inspection, certification, and analysis services.


How can we help you? To obtain more information about our services and company, complete the form.
We will contact you shortly.

Main office:
Av. del Libertador Gral San Martín 8630, piso 4, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
+54 11 3989 7217

Operational offices:
· Rosario
· Necochea
· Bahía Blanca

Main office and Check Point:
Domingo Ordoñana esq. Soriano s/n – Nueva Palmira
+598 99 602 430

Operational office:
· Montevideo
· Nueva Palmira

Main office and laboratory:
Av. Afonso Pena, 463 – Santos/Sp
+55 13 3278 3200 Oficina
+55 13 3278 3207 Laboratorio

Operational offices:

· Barcarena
· Itacoatiara
· Paranaguá
· Rio Grande

· Santana
· Santarém
· São Luis
· Vitória (Tubarão)

Operational bases:
· Aratu
· São Francisco do Sul
· Imbituba

We have a network of agents in different countries that allows us to achieve operational and commercial cooperation.

    Visit us


    Call us

    +54 11 3989 7217
    +55 13 3278 3200
    +598 99 602 430


    Customer access

    Code of conduct and ethical business practices

    Fides Control (hereinafter FC) is committed to constructing a corporate culture of transparency and integrity, in accordance with ethical conduct and compliance with laws. FC’s Code of Conduct reflects this culture, in addition to inspire and guide all the actions of the company’s employees and suppliers. FC considers that the compliance with these strict standards of integrity and transparency is possible only if common rules are established and applied not only to all the employees, officials, and directors, but also to any third parties to whom the company interacts with in the development of their commercial practices. Since commitment and compliance with common rules by FC’s suppliers and employees is essential to ensure the execution of the objectives and expectations of the company about ethical, transparent, and correct conducts, FC has developed this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which shall be applied to the suppliers, as well as their own employees, officials, directors, or authorized representatives, without exception, with respect to any business or operation FC is involved. The systematic and diligent compliance with the provisions specified in the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics shall be considered for the selection, retention and evaluation of employees and suppliers. They shall be responsible for applying the principles stated in this Code, even for the suppliers and their relationships with the sub-suppliers who they work with as long as they take part in the operations and businesses with FC in any form. Under no circumstances should employees or suppliers comply with an order, request or instruction that may lead to a non-compliance or violation of the provisions of this Code. For purposes of this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, “suppliers” include any person or entity which renders services or provides FC or its subsidiaries with any type of goods, whether they act or not on behalf of FC or its subsidiaries, including, but not limited to, sellers or suppliers of any level, agents, intermediaries, sales representatives, consultants, distributors, or other contractors.


    Suppliers should avoid any interaction with FC’s employees that may result in a conflict, or a potential conflict with respect of FC’s interests. For instance, suppliers should not hire or make payments to any FC’s employee during the development of a transaction between the supplier and FC. In case of the existence of a kinship relationship between a supplier’s employee and a FC’s employee (for example, spouse, father, brother, grandfather, son, grandson, relationship between persons due to their legal ties, among others) or if a supplier’s employee has another type of relationship that may represent a conflict of interests, the supplier shall inform this circumstance to the company. Any conflict of interests that involves FC employees shall be duly informed in writing, which requires the supplier should contact the company’s compliance officer. FC’s employees should strictly observe what stated in this paragraph, and they are jointly and severally liable with the non-complying suppliers.

    Suppliers should not offer any gift, travel, meal, or entertainment activity to any FC’s employee in circumstances that may influence the employee’s decisions regarding the supplier, or that may be interpreted in that way. However, under certain circumstances, suppliers may offer FC’s employees modest gifts, meals, or entertainment activities provided that established standards are not violated and: – not be cash or cash equivalent. – be according to common business practices and to the policies of the company’s supplier. – not be frequent or costly. FC’s employees should strictly observe what stated in this paragraph, and they are jointly and severally liable with the non-complying suppliers. 1 “Gift” refers to anything of value, including among others, any type of gratuity, advantage (for example, the use of vehicles or facilities), cash or cash equivalents, travels, lodging, meals, entertainments, any type of incentive, loans, rewards, services or facilities at a lower value than the total cost, contracting or continuity of services, or any other advantage or benefit of all kind (whether they constitute or derive from corporate’s funds or assets, or from personal or third parties’ funds or assets)

    Under no circumstances should suppliers be part of any scheme of commercial graft or bribery or offer any type of inducement to any FC’s employee with the purpose of obtaining or maintaining a business. Suppliers should abide by all the anti-corruption laws, which are applicable to the country where this agreement is made, executed, or fulfilled and likewise, they should comply with all the local laws in terms of bribery regarding public officials. FC’s employees should strictly observe what stated in this paragraph, and they are jointly and severally liable with the non-complying suppliers.

    Keeping accurate and reliable records and information is essential to FC compliance with administrative, legal, and financial obligations, and necessary to duly reflect the company’s activities. Suppliers should keep accurate records of all the matters involving commercial relationships with FC. This implies registering all expenses and payments in a timely, complete, and efficient manner and ensuring the availability of every corresponding documentation which supports the records. Under no circumstances should providers obstruct, delay, make difficult or in any other form interfere with FC processing of the accounting documentation in good and due form. Any kind of handling or alteration of every document in a way that may affect the transparency and accuracy of the records shall be deemed to be a serious violation.

    Where the rendering of services, the provision of goods or the compliance with obligations may require the use of goods, supplies, equipment, and other FC’s assets, suppliers should act with responsibility and ensure that assets shall be used by duly authorized persons and for the intended purposes only. Suppliers should protect and make responsible use of goods and other tangible and intangible assets owned by FC. Suppliers should use neither commercial trademark nor any other company’s intellectual property, unless having FC prior written consent.

    Where the rendering of services, the provision of goods or the compliance with obligations may, in any way, require the use of FC’s equipment, systems or technological devices, suppliers should use these elements exclusively for FC authorized purposes or others which be in a direct form related to the compliance with the object of the corresponding agreements. Suppliers who operate with FC’s technological resources should be aware of the restrictions applicable to the users and should not violate the agreements and corresponding authorizations or perform any act that may compromise FC liability or give any responsibility to FC regarding third parties or any government authority. FC’s technological resources should be used in accordance with the applicable rules and policies of the company. FC has the right to monitor, at any time without prior notice, the use of its information technology resources, and therefore, to access, examine, copy, or capture files, documents, records, databases, electronic messages, Internet activity and any other generated information using FC’s information technology resources. Likewise, FC’s users of information technology resources, should not have privacy expectations regarding the information or communications generated or transmitted through, or stored in FC’s information technology resources. Information or data stored in FIDES CONTROL’s premises and the information technology resources (including computers) are FC property and consequently, FC may decide about the supply of this information to the authorities or third parties if considered necessary or appropriate.

    FC’s employees and suppliers should keep confidentiality about all the information they access on the performance of their tasks, rendering of services or supply of goods to FC, even when the information is not classified or specific about FC, and they should take the necessary measures to avoid misuse, theft, fraud, or inadequate disclosure. In all cases, employees and suppliers should use the information they receive or have access to, in a legitimate way, and for the specific purpose it was disclosed, received, or obtained, and in accordance with the applicable laws. FC will not tolerate any improper, dishonest, unauthorized, or inadequate use of any type of information, even when it may result in a benefit or an advantage for FC.

    Employees and suppliers should protect, preserve, and respect the intellectual property rights of FC. These rights include, among others, ownership over plans, systems, procedures, methodologies, courses, reports, projections, or illustrations to which the employees and providers have access during the development of their commercial relationship with FC.

    In case an employee or a supplier has knowledge about any type of illegal or improper conduct, or about a potential violation of the provisions of this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics by an employee of FC, or by any person who acts on behalf of FC, or by any employee, or representative, or subcontractor of the supplier related with the rendering of services or provision of supplies to the company, should report it to FC. The report should be made via email addressed to the compliance officer. The relationship between the employee or supplier with FC will not be affected for making a good faith report regarding a misconduct. Contact, in case of any inquiry or misconduct report.

    Suppliers have the responsibility to ensure that their directors, officials, employees and subcontractors, representatives or agents understand and comply with the rules and regulations in force as well as with the national and regional legislation, provided that be in accordance with the relevant agreement between the parties or to the commercial relationship which corresponds.

    FC’s employees, suppliers, and subcontractors should promote a healthy and safe working environment to avoid accidents or health damages that may occur during the development of working activities or as a result of the operation of the employer’s facilities, or that may derive from or be in a way related with such activities or operation. Likewise, any supplier’s representative who renders services in person at FC’s premises should comply with all the company standards in terms of health and safety.

    FC is committed to perform all its operations in accordance with the human rights principles applicable to commercial activities and referred to within the framework of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. FC expects that its providers tailor their actions to comply with the same standards FC is also committed to. Suppliers should comply with the principles referred to in the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the ILO (International Labour Organization). These include the prohibition of child labour, forced labour and discrimination conducts, as well as the recognition of the right of freedom of association and collective bargaining. FC values and respects the culture and traditions of the communities where their tasks are performed and work actively to consider health matters, safety, environment, human rights, and the economic well-being of those communities in all the operations, and it is expected that all providers and employees maintain, respect, and promote these values in all the transactions and businesses which are performed with FC.

    FC is committed to creating and maintaining a work environment in which all employees have growth and development opportunities and may fully contribute to the company’s success. In this context, under no circumstances should the company tolerate workplace or sexual harassment, intimidation, or discrimination of any employee. FC’s suppliers and employees will not perform acts of discrimination regarding any person during the labour relation, including hiring, salary, benefits, promotions, discipline, termination of employment or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social or ethnic origin. FC’s suppliers or subcontractors should treat their employees with respect and dignity. No employee will be subject to any type of abuse or harassment, whether physical, sexual, or psychological, and all of them have the obligation to prevent any type of harassment.

    FC is committed to seeking ongoing improvements in environmental matters and focuses its efforts on those areas with the most impact. FC strives to comply with the spirit as well as with the provisions of the laws and applicable environmental regulations and expects a similar attitude by all employees and suppliers. When there are no established rules, employees and suppliers should ensure that their actions are in compliance with high standards. Suppliers should work actively to raise the positive impact and limit the negative effects over the environment and society, not only in their operations but also in the supply chain, by setting environmental plans focused on critical effects. The scope of these plans should be adequate to the supplier’s type of activity and to the risks associated with that.

    The systematic commitment and compliance with the provisions of this Code is an integral part of FC’s management and evaluation procedure of suppliers and employees. In accordance with the risks-based approach adopted by FC, the company may ask the suppliers specific and complementary authorizations and require further measures to verify the compliance with the provisions of this Code.

    Quality policy

    Fides Control SA adhered to ISO 9001 quality management system.

    Our goal is to reach and sustain the highest standards in all aspects of our activity, and for that reason we made a commitment to:

    Inspection policy

    Fides Control SA (hereinafter FC) has decided to adopt the ISO 17020: 2012 inspection management system.

    We strive to be recognized as the most trusted inspection and certification service provider in our markets.

    We are determined to build a platform for more efficient service delivery, in order to better meet the needs of our clients, in a changing market environment.

    This is achieved:

    To support the above, the following FC quality objectives provide the basis that all subsidiaries must apply when considering and establishing local quality objectives throughout the group:

    Anti-bribery policy

    Fides Control S.A. adhered to ISO 37001: 2016 anti-bribery management system as a strategic decision of the company. Senior management establishes, maintains, and reviews this anti-bribery policy and communicates it to interested parties as appropriate, in order to achieve and maintain the highest standards in all aspects of its activities and therefore assumes the commitment to:

    Terms and conditions

    To learn more about our way of working, download our Terms and Conditions

    1. All services and any other obligations arising out of the contract between Fides Control S.A. (hereinafter FC), its affiliates and/or contractors and the client/ principal (hereinafter client) shall be governed by these terms & conditions, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
    2. FC is a provider of testing, inspection and certification (TIC) services.
    3. a) Under these terms & conditions, they include merchandise certification services (production, logistics, loading & unloading), such as sampling, weight control, QA and lab tests in different stages of the commercial value chain.
    4. b) As a result of its work, FC will issue statements, certificates and lab reports.
    5. c) Those reports/ certificates will describe the findings as of the date and place where the tasks were performed and in accordance with the instructions received from the client.
    6. d) The results of lab tests to be included in the reports/ certificates refer only to the analyzed samples and not to the overall quality of the goods.
    7. e) The identification of a specific product in any Q&Q report issued by FC will be based on the information provided by the client, and FC shall therefore have no liability derived from the inaccuracy of such information.
    8. The client must:
    9. a) Provide enough information, instructions and documents within a reasonable time frame in order to allow for an appropriate coordination of the work to be done.
    10. b) Grant access to the facilities in which the job has to be executed for the correct performance of the services.
    11. c) If applicable, provide the necessary equipment and human resources to carry out the tasks.
    12. d) Ensure that all appropriate measures are taken concerning the safety of workers during performance of the services.
    13. e) Inform in advance about potential and/or actual risks or hazards associated with the performance of the work, e.g., sampling or analysis, including without limitation radiation, toxic materials, explosives, poison or contaminants.
    14. f) Perform all of its contractual duties related to the services provided by FC, regardless of whether FC has issued a report/ certification or not; noncompliance by the client will result in FC’s exemption from any liability.
    15. Analyses performed by third-parties:
    16. a) If the client chooses to conduct certain analyses at its own or external labs, FC will only inform the results but shall not be liable in any manner for the accuracy of the tests or its findings.
    17. b) If the client requests the performance of a witnessed test at a specific laboratory, FC’s responsibility will be limited to attesting to the fact that the test was performed on the correct sample. The client acknowledges and accepts that FC shall not be responsible for the sampling, the precision/ calibration status of the equipment, instruments or measurement devices, the methods of analysis employed, and the actions or omissions of third party’s personnel, or the accuracy of the results.
    18. Liability and indemnification:
    19. a) FC is not an insurer or guarantor, and therefore declines any liability as such. If the client wishes to be insured against any risks, it shall arrange for appropriate coverage from specialized firms.
    20. b) FC’s liability concerning a claim resulting from any type of loss, damage or expense shall not exceed (i) an aggregate amount equal to ten times the fees paid or payable in relation to the specific service that gave rise to the claim, or (ii) USD 20.000, whichever is lower.
    21. c) The liability of FC’s agents and contractors involved in the performance of the services, as a result of minor or serious faults, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of clause 5 b).
    22. d) FC shall not be liable under this contract or any laws for claims resulting from loss of revenues, loss of production, lost profits, and/or cancellation of business and/or contracts entered into by the client.
    23. e) The client shall indemnify and hold FC, its managers, employees, contractors and/or agents harmless from any claim by third parties as a result of loss, damage or expenses related to the performance of or alleged noncompliance with any of the services rendered pursuant to the client’s instructions.
    24. f) Both parties undertake to purchase appropriate insurance coverage for their liabilities under this contract.
    25. g) In the event that for any reason beyond its reasonable control FC is prevented from performing the services described in an accepted service order, FC shall be exempted from liability for total or partial noncompliance with such services. Additionally, the client shall pay any costs incurred by FC as well as the pro rata share corresponding to the services actually rendered.
    26. h) FC does not make any representations or warranties about the authenticity or accuracy of the documents, titles or commitments presented to it during the process of carrying out its services in relation to the quantity, quality or fitness for purpose of the inspected goods within the scope of its mandate. FC shall not assume liability for the consequences or any action or omission based on the reports and certificates issued by FC.
    27. i) The acceptance of a service order does not imply a duty to examine the title to the goods, their origin or any third-party intellectual property rights to the inspected goods.
    28. j) In the event of a claim, the client shall send a notice in writing within 30 days after knowing about the alleged reason for such claim; under all circumstances, FC shall be exempted from liability resulting from claims, losses, damages or expenses unless a formal claim is filed within 6 months from the date of the relevant service, or from the date on which it should have been provided in the case of alleged nonperformance; otherwise, FC will be exempted from liability to the client.
    29. Service fees:
    30. a) If FC and the client have not agreed on a specific fee for FC’s services upon execution of the contract, FC will apply its standard fees, which can be modified from time to time.
    31. b) Unless a shorter term has been specified in the invoice, all fees shall be payable by the client to FC within 30 days from the date of the invoice. Failure to do so will result in the accrual of interest at a rate of at least 2% per month or as specified in the invoice.
    32. c) The client shall not be entitled to withhold or defer any payments as a result of a dispute or offsetting claim against FC.
    33. d) The client shall reimburse to FC all expenses incurred in the collection of any indebted amounts, including attorney fees and other legal expenses.
    34. e) In the event of unforeseen difficulties or expenses during the provision of the services, FC shall inform the client and will be entitled to collect additional fees to compensate for the extra time and costs incurred in order to provide the services in due manner.
    35. f) FC reserves the right to suspend its services in the event that the client fails to comply with the duties set forth in clause 6 b) if such noncompliance exceeds one month. The suspension of services shall not be construed as failure by FC to comply with its own duties, and shall not release the client from its payment obligations.
    36. Miscellaneous:
    37. a) In the event that one or more provisions of these terms & conditions is declared unenforceable or cannot be complied with in whole or in part, the validity, lawfulness and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected in any manner by such circumstance.
    38. b) The client shall not use FC’s corporate name or registered trademarks for advertising or similar purposes without FC’s prior written authorization.
    39. c) The company has the right, at its discretion, to delegate all or part of the execution of the services to agents and/or subcontractors.
    40. Confidentiality
    41. a) Confidential information shall mean any type of information or data, oral or written, furnished by one party to the other upon execution of the contract, as well as any information about the other party’s business, provided that such information is not already known by the general public, has come to either party’s knowledge in non-confidential form before its disclosure by the other, or is revealed by an independent third party with a legal right to do so.
    42. b) Unless the applicable law or any governmental entity, regulator or court so requires, neither the parties nor their agents and/or contractors shall use the confidential information for purposes other than those described in the contract, or disclose the other party’s confidential information to third parties without the other party’s previous written consent, except as expressly provided for in this clause.
    43. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

    Except as otherwise specified in writing, all claims arising out of this contract shall be governed by the laws of Argentina, and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts of the city of Buenos Aires.